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Why enroll as a part-time student?

1. As a free choice:

A part-time student is someone who understands that they cannot devote enough time to their studies, and so decides to enroll stating that, in two years’ time, they will acquire the same amount of CFUs as an ordinary student, that has to acquire them in just a year. This means that part-time students have double the time to do so.

2. As an obligation, due to an enrollment rule:

Students may also be forced to enroll as part-timers due to rules imposed by the Academic Senate. Such is the case when enrolling in certain Master’s Degree courses.

In this case the students have no other choice and must enroll as a part-timer.                             

Who can request to be enrolled as a part-timer?

Only current students may request to be enrolled as part-timers (Article 19, Didactic Rules).

How does part-time enrollment work?

For part-time students, an ordinary course year actually lasts two academic years, called slots. For each of these slots, the student must pay the full Regional Tax (ADISU Tax) and a virtual stamp, but regular taxes will be halved. However, students will also have to pay the full amount of any surcharge they might be asked to pay.


Giovanni enrolls in 2019/2020 for his first year as a part-time student, for a certain reason. So, his first year will last two academic years.

In his first slot (2019/2020), Giovanni will be able to gain a maximum of 30 CFUs in his first course year (which lasts from the 1st of January 2020 up until the 31st of December 2020, or from his enrollment date in the 2019/2020 Academic Year until the 31st of December 2020).

In his second slot (2020/2021), Giovanni will be able to gain 30 more CFUs (starting from the 1st of January 2021 until the 31st of December 2021).

ATTENTION: The 30 CFU limit also comprises any ungained CFUs from the first slot, which will be calculated for this limit!

Eventually, in 2021/2022, Giovanni can choose to maintain his status as part-timer, or become a full-time student instead.

What happens if I go over the CFU limit?

If students gain more than 30 CFUs, and so they go over the limit, they will lose their part-time status and turn into full-time students, no matter the case.

Students will have to notify their exceeding via the ticketing system, in order to stabilise their financial and administrative statuses. Take the example from before:

If Giovanni had gone over the limit in his first slot (2019/2020), he would have had to pay the other half of his taxes. 2019/2020 would have become his first course year and 2020/2021, in turn, would have become his second course year.

If Giovanni had gone over the limit in his second slot (2020/2021) he would have lost his part-time status for both of his course years and his slots. As such, he would have had to pay the other half of his taxes for both his slots, but 2019/2020 would have become his first year and 2020/2021, his second year. He would have also found himself with only 60 total CFUs.

Requesting part-time enrollment (from full-time to part-time)

Students can request to be enrolled as part-time students form the 5th of September 2024 until the 27th of December 2024, after paying the 146 € enrollment fee. Open a support ticket and select “STUDENTI A TEMPO PARZIALE” as category.

Students that wish to enroll as part-time students when enrolling for the first time must do so while filling out their enrollment application, as the online procedure lets students select their enrollment status (part-time or full-time).

Requesting full-time enrollment (from part-time to full-time)

Students can request to be enrolled as full-time students form the 5th of September 2024 until the 27th of December 2024. Open a support ticket and select “STUDENTI A TEMPO PARZIALE” as category.

Notice: Only those who initially chose to enroll as part-timers (not because of an obligation) may request to enroll as full-time students.

Study plan

Part-time study plans and classes are organised by the respective Departments. Student applications (requesting elective exams etc.) must be made in accordance with your Department’s rules.

Part-time students cannot request credit in advance for their exams.