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Enrolment with an abbreviation of career (Master Degree Programmes) AY 2023/2024

If you choose the Enrolment with an abbreviation of career (so at the second years of a Master Degree Programme), the Polytechnic of Bari will consider the entire previous career, also for calculating the tuition fees (if the previous career has started at University X, for the tuition fees, we will count the years of enrollment at University X).

If you want to apply for the Enrolment with an abbreviation of career, you must:

1.Select “Abbreviazione di carriera” (abbreviation of career) in the drop-down menu relative to the “Tipo di Immatricolazione” (Type of Registration);

2.Fill out the section “Dati di prima immatricolazione nel sistema universitario” (First matriculation data in the university system), that recognizes the university of origin and the data of previous career;

3. notify through our TICKETING/HELPDESK service ( the online application for Enrolment with an abbreviation of career, choosing  Imm. e Iscr. MAGISTRALI, indicating as OBJECT OF THE TICKET:  "Notifica domanda di immatricolazione con abbreviazione di carriera ", and as TEXT OF THE TICKET: Student’s name and surname - Mobile phone number - University of origin - Degree Course of Enrolment at Politecnico di Bari

ATTENTION: Any previous exams will be recognized after the enrolment and may be made only after explicit request through the dematerialised system “DEPASAS”(link alla PROCEDURA DEPASAS), using the form called “Richiesta riconoscimento esami esterni”.

The outcome of the request is up to the competent didactic structure, in the department of the MASTER DEGREE PROGRAMMES you are enrolling in.