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Studying@Poliba - International Students


Didactic Programme for Academic Year 2022/2023

Legislative Decree no.24 - End of the Covid-19 state of emergency

Updated information about COVID-19 and didactic activities

Study in Italy: rooted in the past, shaping the future
#studyinitaly  #shapingthefuture

POLIBA Policy on International Mobility in Academic Year 2021 considering the COVID-19 epidemic and associated risks

Emergenza COVID-19: Ulteriori indicazioni dall’Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ INDIRE a seguito di aggiornamenti dalla Commissione Europea

COVID-19 emergency: Further information from the Erasmus+ Italian National Agency following updates from the European Commission

COVID-19 Erasmus+ Disposizioni urgenti

COVID-19 Erasmus+ urgent provisions

Politecnico di Bari offers several opportunities for international students, either undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. students in the marvelous Apulia region.

General information for mobility students (Erasmus+, etc.)

Politecnico di Bari fact sheet for mobility students

Research Catalogue (for mobility students for traineeship)

Information for foreign students

Degree programmes

General overview (for candidates with foreign qualifications)

Politecnico di Bari quick facts

Where: Politecnico di Bari is present in three cities of Apulia: Bari, Foggia and Taranto. The administration, the departments and most degree programmes are in Bari, the main city of Apulia. Further degree programmes are offered in Foggia and in Taranto.
History: Politecnico di Bari was founded in 1990. The Engineering courses dates back to 1944, when they were started by Università di Bari “Aldo Moro”. Architecture courses started in 1990, with the foundation of the Politecnico.
Degree programmes: Politecnico di Bari offers 1st cycle, 2nd cycle and 3rd cycle degrees, in the main areas of Engineering and Architecture. Each degree programme belongs to a specific Department.
Departments: Politecnico di Bari has five Departments: DEI (Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering), DICAR (Dept. of Civil Engineering Sciences and Architecture), DICATECH (Dept. of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building and Chemistry Engineering), DMMM (Dept. of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management), and DIF (Department of Physics).
Academic staff: about 270 professors, including full professors, associate professors, assistant professors
Non-academic staff: about 270 staff members, including administrative, technical and library staff
Students: About 2,000 new students are enrolled every year at Politecnico di Bari, and about 70 of them are incoming students from European Countries. Other international students (mostly Ph.D) come from non-European Countries. Politecnico di Bari has a total of about 10,000 students.