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Grading System in Italy and ECTS Tables at Politecnico di Bari

ECTS System and ECTS Grading Tables
Politecnico di Bari fully implements the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation (ECTS) System. The ECTS System is designed to facilitate recognition of all studies across European and non-European countries, and international study programmes.
More information about the ECTS System are available here. See also the ECTS Guide, which can be downloaded here.

A fundamental tool to implement correctly the ECTS System is the set of ECTS grading tables in the University. ECTS tables ensure fair conversion of grades of mobility students, using the statistical distribution of the grades achieved by group of students in the same degree programme or the same subject area. At Politecnico di Bari, ECTS Tables are updated each academic year. The statistical distribution of grades for each academic year, according to the ECTS users' guide, is available below in this page.

Grading system @Poliba
In the Italian university system (and in Politecnico di Bari in particular), student's performance in ordinary exams are assessed using a 31-point scale. Passing grades are 18 to 30, with the additional superior grade "30 e lode" (30 cum laude). For some exams, the 31-point scale does not apply: in this case, the passing grade is simply "pass", without marks.

In the Italian university system, as a rule non-passing grades are simply not awarded, and the exam is not registered in the student's career. For mobility students, non-awarded credits may be listed in the Transcript of Record, upon student's request. In this case, the exam is marked "fail" if the student was present at the examination but achieved a non-passing grade, or "no show" if the student did not show up at the examination.

For the final degree, a 111-point scale is used. Passing grades are 66 to 110, with the additional superior grade “110 e lode” (110 cum laude). The mark for the final degree is given on the basis of all marks obtained in exams, and on the evaluation of the final thesis.